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Full Version: Killed It, Yesterday
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[font "Arial"][size 3]What a day!

John and Mike from Boston escaped the snow storm "Juno" and just wanted to catch fish. They didn't care what they caught, just as long as they fought hard.

Yesterday, we caught and released fish all day long. They were so excited that half way through the trip they booked me for this Friday too.

I love my job!

[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 3]This was John's first cast of the day,
[Image: image_zps8h5syusu.jpg]

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And I followed up right behind him, with Mike losing 2. This all happened in our first 5 minutes fishing.
[Image: image_zpskmpmchoy.jpg]

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But then Mike redeemed himself, and outdid us with a much larger fish,
[Image: image_zpsafekkiyd.jpg]

[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 3]Then John with another,
[Image: image_zpsra86svwg.jpg]

[font "Arial"][size 3]Mike with another,
[Image: image_zps0rp3k696.jpg]

[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 3]Mike with a tank of a [url ""]Black Drum[/url], this fish had to be over 40 pounds,
[Image: image_zpsmzk4rkmg.jpg]

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The water was crystal clear in some areas, and the temps were up to 60 degrees in a few spots,
[Image: image_zpsxsjkwfkv.jpg]
[Image: image_zpsdzentvtk.jpg]
[Image: image_zpsokqa6yz0.jpg][/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 3]John, stoked with another big red,
[Image: image_zpsyublrtxy.jpg]

[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 3]John, with the first fish he's ever caught on an oil platform,
[Image: image_zpsnmgamtf4.jpg]

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And lastly, John with the ever endangered [url ""]red snapper[/url].
[Image: image_zpsfplhrei5.jpg]

[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 3]We had plenty more fish that we didn't take pictures of including sheepsheads, trigger fish, [url ""]croakers[/url], whitings and smaller [url ""]reds[/url] and [url ""]drum[/url]. But John really had a hankering to catch a [url ""]Jack Crevalle[/url].

So, I brought him to a platform that I've dove many times, and have also seen huge Jewfish under, up to 500 lbs. We casted plastics and all of a sudden my reel started screaming, what I was sure was the ever elusive Jack Crevalle. I handed the rod to John and after about 15 minutes the line broke. I told John, "There's just some things you can't control."

Great trip guys, beautiful weather and fun times! Now let's get the one that got away![/size][/font]