Hey I was wondering if anyone was having any luck catching Cisco's off the bank or if it's a waste of time? I'm thinking of trying Friday or Saturday. I have never tried to dipnet them off the shore but always up to try something new. Any info would be great. Thanks and good luck fishin
We spent a couple hours at first light today (Saturday, 1/31) dip netting on Cisco Beach, but nothing was visible. There were about 30 people on that section of the beach and I don't think anyone caught a fish. Everyone blamed it on the wind and waves. It was my first attempt at cisco fishing in my quest to catch all 35 Utah game fish. Maybe next year.
hey thanks for the report I havent heard much success over there off the shore from the few people i have talked to. I really wanted to get there this weekend but ended up working Looks like i will have to try it next year to. thanks and good luck fishing
Hey trfishin , I was fishing bear lake yesterday on the West Side out by the Rock Pile. my fishfinder was showing a lot of Cisco activity . I hear that you might need to go to the east side and try Dipnetting from the shore . There were a lot of boats with folks trying to jig for the Cisco.
Any recent news/reports on the Cisco? Thinking of heading up soon for an overnight trip.
Read Bear Lake Fish guy's report on Bear Lake this morning.