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Full Version: Pelican Feb. 2, 2015
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I made a quick trip to Pelican this morning to check on conditions and I was pleasantly surprised given the warm temps we have been having. I arrived at 0900, the edges where the reeds are absorbing the warmth of the sun and insulating the water from freezing at night are wet but the main lake ice is still a good solid 9" thick with about an inch of softer ice on top. There is still an area of open water in the middle of the lake that the waterfowl are keeping open. I wore my hip boots to wade through the watery reed mat to get to the solid ice. I could tell the rains we had Friday had made conditions a little wet on the ice Friday and Saturday but today it was a nice frozen surface. I only had time to fish for an hour. The action wasn't real fast but it was consistent. I used a pink gizzy bug with a mealy under a small kastmaster and iced 5 bluegill and one bass.

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Nice "quicky" on pelican.
Nice! Probably won't last too much longer. I saw a 50 degree forecast for later this week.