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I just wondering how the ice was at otter creek res. I know it been warm lately any info? thanks
If I were to guess I'd say you were out of luck but hopefully others that live closer will respond.
That fine you can move it Thanks
This is really outdated info, but I was there on 1/24/15 and it was 8"thick. It was cracking and popping like crazy though. I would guess the edges to be soft, but should still be safe ice. Maybe someone else will chime in
Call the Rv store across from the lake..They will give you the info you seek.😃
I was down that way Sunday, though I didn't fish. Lots of open and water and sketchy looking ice. Didn't see anyone out fishing it. Hope that helps.
I fished Otter Creek today. Ice is 80% gone. All the remaining ice is towards the South end and around the dam. Wind was blowing strong and white caps were pushing the ice around. None of the ice looked anywhere near safe. The ice looks like it will be completely gone in the next few days. The bite was slow, fishing with my son was great. Next time hopefully less wind.