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Full Version: Chesterfield and Montepelier
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So there is still ice fishing to be had. Hit Chesterfield at first light and had one of the best mornings of fishing there we have had ever. Landed 20 quality fish by eleven packed up and headed to Montpelier for perch. In four hours we kept 181.....Time to start filleting those little buggers. Ice at Chesterfield to me was murky looking all the way to the bottom about 15 inches but there was no clear hard ice like you would like to see where I was at, no ice breaking off and floating up hole yet though. Ice at Montpelier in great shape, 12 inches, at least nine of it clear and hard, both lakes have a little of slop on the top though. I kept one skinny 21 inch. Here are a few pictures.
So would you like to see what 180 Montpelier perch and two hours of labor yields?
Nice! Thats some catchin' right there.
We'll worth the effort Captain M!
Those look good and tasty to me.
How is the ice looking on chesterfield any help would be nice
I would say you are out luck. I was there a week ago today in the rain. I wouldn't have been able to get on the ice, even with a plank, if the ice hadn't pushed up on the shore in one place. While I was there, a crack split the ice into two pieces by the boat ramp. The crack was about 5 feet across. So that was a week ago and it has been warm. It might be ice free.