02-07-2015, 02:40 AM
A good friend and I spent a beautiful February Friday on Strawberry today. We arrived near the Soldier Creek side at the crack of 4:30 am and a star-filled, pretty moon shining sky welcomed us. It was 16F. We went to our spot over in the narrows country and set up in 51 feet of water which was covered by 8-10 inches of fine ice. It was sure noisy but the edges where we traveled and fished were fine and we had absolutely zero slush. Fishing was pretty good from 5:30 to about 10. We stayed til 2:30 but things slowed down from 11 on. Iced 14 cuts and bows myself while my compadre put 24 through the hole. He caught a beautiful Kokanee along with cuts and bows. I kept three rainbows for supper including a great 20 inch fish. Jack kept the koke and 3 beautiful, fat bows. Had 2 cuts that stretched the tape to 20 and a little change but busting the slot was not meant to be![
] It was hard to believe it was February today and the lake and scenery treated us grand. As warm as it was, I am afraid even Strawberry will be having ice troubles if it stays like this. I have a few pictures but will have to try to figure out how to post them. The best part of our day was the peace and quite. Never saw another human being except in the parking lot. Snowmobiles sure make it nice to escape the masses in other spots. Every time I drive pass the ladders I wonder if there is even a single fish that doesn't have sore lips![cool] Ya'll have a fine evening!
