I got my first free issue of F & S last night, it is a good mag, then again anything is good for free. The subscription lasts until Aug 05. I also read FFG and I like that a little better. Take up the offer on this page and get F&S for yourself, you will not be disappointed.
Me too. After complaining yesterday about never getting my free Field & Stream magazine subscription, I got home from work and there it was!! Finally started! I also got 3 cabelas catalogs, the Spring '04, the Flyfishing and the tackle shop. Good day for mail! [cool]
Sounds like a good day of mail, now only if they sent you a million dollar check to buy what you wanted out the the catalogs, That would be even better!
Got my first issue yesterday also! It can the same day as my Bassmaster magazine! And I greedy I don't 1 million I want 10 million, but that's just me!
Where are those publisher clearing house guys when you need them anyhow!
Got mine on Monday[

Yeeeaap! Finaly got mine.