I was wildly underwhelmed with the longevity and quality of the ice fishing season this annum. I made it out one time to Fish Lake for the Perch Derby put on there by the DWR. I did have a great day of catching out there though, jerked 61 perch and nice 16inch Splake out of there that day and had a heart beat raising ending when for a while I was in the lead to win the biggun with the most weight for a single adult male(no team) until about 2:50 when a dude with several pounds more than me checked in right before the bell. but I had a great time. that is what matters. I hope the DWR does it again next year. I really do. it was worth a 3 hour drive at 4 am to go. I highly recommend it.
I was really looking forward to hitting Rock port and Pineview this year again but never had a solid enough chance or report to justify an attempt. [:/]
That being said. Where did the rest of you get out to with good ice and how was the fishing for y'all? I am interested to hear some stories that we may have not yet.
How is that guys grandfather doing anyway?
Tight lined to all, and to all many fish.
Poor ice season is the understatement of the year.
I made it to Mantua 3 times, and Hyrum once. That's it. All trips were somewhat disappointing from what I'm used to. Blame it on the crowds, lack of fish, warm weather, or whatever...
Worst ice season ever.
Been to Strawberry a few times. It was as good as ever. The season started a few weeks later than usual, but it is still going strong and hopefully will continue for a few more weeks with the new cold weather coming on. I have no complaints. [reply][/reply]
man it has sucked this year but i guess i'll have the boat out sooner this year.
Been ice fishing since 00-01 and never had a year of ice like this. As for the fishing it was ok. Kinda had to grind it out most trips. Never had a sit down and catch all the fish you want day this year but we got 1 more trip this weekend and maybe it happens. Knock on wood.
Yes indeed. I gave up yesterday. Touched up my auger blades and put my sled and stuff away.
I haven't started prepping the kayak yet, but I'm sure thinking about it.
I feel your pain! Although I only fished two reservoirs this year (Scofield and Mantua), I experienced some fun and productive days. We are all is disbelief that the season was so short! This ice-fisherman needs some closure, so I will hit Scofield one more time before calling it quits. Then the pontoon boat will get dusted off....
Earth, Wind, ICE and Fire....
the kid and I hit UL when it capped did ok hit rockport once 4 fish strawberry once one fish to the hole and current creek once one fish. fishing was great catching not so much. this is the first year we didn't hit pineview or mantua.
I didn't make it out once this year. Ended up getting sick for a month. Now the toon is almost ready to go and should be on the softwater Monday if all goes well.
Hit Mantua a few times and knocked quite a few perch / rainbows each time and one massive blue gill (2.5lbs). LMB went crazy one afternoon after the perch disappeared. Went up to East Canyon (basically last good day of 7in ice) and must of hit a decent school of bows. Caught well over 50 fish b/w the three of us. I picked a bad year to learn and pick up ice fishing but the few times I went still had a blast and learned quite a bit from everyone on here (lurking posts mostly). Can't wait to get back on the ice next year. But I guess the winter has left us, getting my float tube ready for next weekend.
Yes this year did suck for the ice. It sounds like I made it out a few more times then others did. I fished otter creek 3 times, with good sized fish (nothing like I did the year before). I fished utah lake 1 time for 2 hours and only caught 1 blue gill. I fished fish lake 6 times and kicked butt. I also fished the perch tournament and loved every minute of it. I enjoyed it even more by drawing out for the gas power auger. I would have loved to fish other areas, but with the thining ice and work and all the expos coming up, I put my gear away for the year. I hope the next ice season is nothing like this one.
First try ever ice fishing this year, and I'll consider it a good first primer season
All I did was hit AF boat harbor on UL once and Provo harbor once. Caught a grand total of 2 white bass, and people with my also caught a combined total of 2 white bass.
The numbers aren't there, and I know the season was short a bit disappointing, but I'm happy to have picked up the hobby and now armed with the equipment I need for next year.
I still may go out to Strawberry with a friend's family in a week or 2 if scheduling and weather permit. Hope to make it out--I bought a new Frabill combo just for targeting something bigger than white bass, which I was getting on a cheap-o Pen Rod from Amazon
That being said, I've already had a couple of fun trips to hit open water this month and I've missed it. Yesterday I busted out all of my soft water rods and reels and got them setup to start hitting the trout and catfish around here
Excited for the weather to warm up a bit because I'm considering getting an inflatable raft large enough for my fiancee and I to take onto some of the little ponds , etc.
Still have not gotten out on the ice this year...in fact I haven't fished since September due to both my wrists undergoing surgery!!! I think my window for ice fishin is going, going, gone![
That perch derby at Fish Lake sounded really fun.
With all that said I still want to make it to Pittsburg Lake from snowbird.
You guys are talking like it is over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl harbor...........................???????
As for the year in review, I agree, fewer trips than I'd like but it is what it is.
Hunnington; 2 trips, both solid
Utah Lake; 3 trips or so, mostly quickies, mostly good to very good with it slowing at the end.
Strawberry; 4 trips so far, all solid days.
Fish lake; 1 trip, stellar. heck, FL is always stellar.
Looking forward to one more Fish lake trip and 6 more weeks of Strawberry with the best Berry action yet to come, if precedent holds. I'm not putting away the auger yet.
I too am sulking about the poor ice this year. But it seems like I have gotten into a bit of action. I hit Schofield early ice caught a bunch of snake Cutts and chubs, then had to wait for pineview, and fished it twice taking home limits of crappie both times. I'm headed to fish lake Saturday and then might throw in the towel for the ice.
I think next year I'll sacrifice double the amount to the ice gods hopefully they will be pleased with that offering and bless us with better weather.
It was defiantly a disappointing year. I had one skunk at beaver dam, a slow day at rockport with to large browns being caught, a very fun an fast day at strawberry with almost nonstop action between the three in the group and a just for fun day at tibblefork that turned up some hungry little fish. One other time I got out I only had half an hour so I tried a little pond by my house, when I went to drop my line down the hole a massive carp swam under just a foot under it, I dropped it another foot and to my suprise another carp just as big came from behind and gently slurped up my offering. I set the hook and it was on, I never truly felt I would land such a beast on 4 pound test, but it was a fun battle to see him just below me possibly to big for the hole any way[sly].
Now it is time for soft water, fishing is great either way, something to be savored however we get it[
This has been a strange winter for sure. At our cabin in the strawberry valley the morning temp. Was a balmy 30 degrees. With temps like that the ice my be in the "scary" category. If you go, be safe out there.