02-14-2015, 10:00 AM
A couple of scraggly looking guys picked me up and took me fishing today. Lamont and Rollo took me to Cottonport and what an adventure it was. First of all, Lamont backed the boat down into the water, but Rollo couldn't get it started. After fooling with the batteries and trying for about 15 minutes, the engine just wasn't going to start. I'm suspecting a starter in the future for Lamont. So, it was a whirlwind trip from Cottonport to Athens to drop off Lamont's boat and pick up Rollo's boat. Back to Cottonport. Some folks just are desperate to get on the water no matter what. emoBig
<br /><br />Backed Rollo&#39;s boat into the water and as luck would have us, it started right off the bat. It was a cold natured beast though and died several times before finally warming up enough to stay running. Finally with everyone on board, we sailed the glassy calm seas today in search of gigantic shell crackers, but as fate would have it, they were playing hide and seek today. Oh we managed to eke out a few small bluegills and 1/2 dozen small crackers to go along with 3 or 4 tiny crappie and 1 golden shiner. Oh yellow bass and white bass also played with us a little bit. Daylight was beginning to fade as the three of us gave up and put the boat back on the trailer. <br /><br />There will always be tomorrow. Thanks for taking me today on this fishing adventure. I finally did get a couple of pics in. Someone might recognize these guys. Most of the time they will be trolling some pink and chartreuse wooden things behind the boat. I don&#39;t know what those are for. emoBig