01-09-2004, 12:19 AM
01-09-2004, 12:25 AM
It changes as your post count increases. Nothing you can do personally to change it.
01-09-2004, 01:10 AM
Thanks Teroy,I bet I have spent over an hour trying to figure it out.
01-09-2004, 04:27 AM
How do I change the picture of the earthworm under my username to something different? [/reply]
How do I change the picture of the earthworm under my username to something different? [/reply]
01-09-2004, 07:13 AM
This will show you how many post it takes to get to a certain fish icon.
0 => Greenhorn
5 => Bait
25 => Shiner
50 => Brookie
100 => WeakFish
200 => Perch
300 => Rainbow Trout
400 => Calico Bass
500 => Walleye
750 => Barracuda
1000 => Large Mouth Bass
1250 => White Sea Bass
1500 => Alaskan Salmon
1750 => Striper Bass
2000 => Chain Pickeral
2500 => Yellowtail
3000 => Northern Pike
3500 => Dorado
4000 => Sturgeon
4500 => Tuna
5000 => Channel Catfish
5500 => Swordfish
6000 => Aligator Gar
7000 => Marlin
8000 => Sturgeon
10000 => Shark
10000 + => Is still in the works and were talking about having great prizes for users (and moderators) who reach this
0 => Greenhorn
5 => Bait
25 => Shiner
50 => Brookie
100 => WeakFish
200 => Perch
300 => Rainbow Trout
400 => Calico Bass
500 => Walleye
750 => Barracuda
1000 => Large Mouth Bass
1250 => White Sea Bass
1500 => Alaskan Salmon
1750 => Striper Bass
2000 => Chain Pickeral
2500 => Yellowtail
3000 => Northern Pike
3500 => Dorado
4000 => Sturgeon
4500 => Tuna
5000 => Channel Catfish
5500 => Swordfish
6000 => Aligator Gar
7000 => Marlin
8000 => Sturgeon
10000 => Shark
10000 + => Is still in the works and were talking about having great prizes for users (and moderators) who reach this