I am heading out on Saturday with a small group of scouts and we are planning on hitting some open water.
We were supposed to be going ice fishing, but what ice there is doesn't seem to be producing much.
So I guess I'll get out the boat and hit the water to try our luck, I know that they have found quaggas in DC, which is a major disappointment, but I can deal with decontamination if the fishing is worth it.
My boat is very small, so I'm a little worried about the storm moving in on Sat, which makes me more leary of UL. At least at DC I can jump into a cove it I have to.
I checked the ramp report at Jordanelle, and it appears that there is still unstable ice on much of the lake.
I'd love to hear of anyone's success so I can try to show these kids a good time.
Drove by Jordanelle yesterday on the way home from Strawberry. Didn't see any ice on the Nelle looking up the arm. Caught some big bows at the berry, one was 19 inches, they were good for dinner. Which lake to go to depends on what you want to catch. I vote for Deek Creek.
UL is really prone to getting choppy with the slightest breeze, so if I were to choose between the two it would be DC.
I'm assuming you are in Utah Valley, but if you can make the trip up to East Canyon, fishing is HOT from a boat! The boys would love it! They have a nice little campground on the south side of the lake too...
Weather reports for saturday say it is going to be really nasty. Possible snow flurries in the valleys.
I hit Deer Creek last Saturday with my neighbor and a couple of related kids. We caught 20 planter bows trolling flies.
In a storm I personally would be trolling cranks for walleye... I've had great luck doing that at DC in early spring storms.
I wouldn't hit UL in a small boat in a storm... or if I did I wouldn't leave the harbor.
From the posts I've read, it sounds like DC is a better place to go anyway.
Thanks for all of the tips! I think we're going to hit DC in the morning, weather permitting. The way the weather man has been getting it right lately, I think we have a good chance that the storm will blow right by us.
I've never caught walleye at DC. That sounds like an interesting idea. I wouldn't have a clue where to go. Any thoughts on that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again!!
In early Spring (which is approximately where we are weather-wise) I've caught them along the rocky shoreline by the railroad tracks in the Charleston area.
Good luck!
Well we hit the water this morning a little late. Didn't get on the water till 8:30. We had a great trip though. The weather was great, just a couple of small flurries blew through, but other than that it was beautiful.
The catching was not as good as the fishing, but it was better than it could have been. We ended up boating 5 and lost that many more. They were very finicky about what they wanted. The only success we had was on pop gear and a worm. They liked brass and silver blades on the same strand with a pink wedding ring or a pink squid, I don't know what possessed me to try a Kokanee rig but it was the only thing that worked. We found them mostly in the shallow water in the east end of the walls burg arm.
Thanks again for all the tips.
No one in our group even had a hit when fishing from shore.