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Well its Jan 9th 2004 and out to lunch I go, and seen two guys setting tip ups out on walled lake. I have been waiting for about two weeks now for the the lakes to ice up.
I think after I do some bunny hunting Saturady I 'll break out the gear and go hit the lakes. How's the ice looking over by you Dave? I have some buddies that been doing pretty good north of Fenton on the gills but that's about it. Can't wait to get into a nice batch of Crappies.[Smile][Smile][Smile][Smile]
open water here. hopen by wensday next. week.

I am thinking about a little pond north of my house, I herd of little trout pond I have been wanting to give a shot.

I was wondering how it would fair....[Wink]
Well let me now when you want to go. I just got all my gear all ready. I seen guys out on walled lake over the weekend and I thought you would be out on your lake too. I was going to go fish Lake neva yesterday but a touch of a cold got the best of me and the warm bed on my back felt a whole lot better then Ice chilled fingers.[cool]There's always next weekend. [Wink]
I am planning on fishing fryday saturday and sunday this week.

next week, I will be planning on getting on every day I can till ice melts. I havent gotten a line wet in 2 1/2 months.

fryday I am going over to hawk for a while, I promiced to show a guy how to ice fish. he has never gone and we can walk on the lake from his house. he is right on the lake.

After fryday I am game any time you are. lets not give out the name of this little trout pond.[Wink] there are a couple hundred people who know about it, but no one fishes it in the winter. the winds there get rough.
what time will you be out on hawk? If its after 5:00 I stop by a show you a couple of good spots.
I figure to get over at his place at right around 4 pm. so ya I should be there till 6 at the least.

this gye like I said has never been fishing and gone with any one who ever caught a fish till he met me. I is handy caped, you will understand when you meet him. he is a good kid.

you have my number, I will have the thing with me. if you need It I will email it to you.
I have to work till 4:00 that's why I ask how long.
Will You be parking at the apartments or at one of the houses on the South side. If you park at the Appartments and walk Straight out from the beach heading east across the lake go 3/4 across and punch a hole if it's 9-12 feet you are in the spot.
I will be parking at the apartments on the west side. the road runs down to the lake, you cant miss my truck you will see it on the left as you go in.

he lives in tha apartment and has his thier own access.
I forgot to say thanks.

hope ya can make it out. if its not to cold. but like I said, you have my number and I will have the phone on me. ya can give me a hollar and I can let ya know if it is worth comming out for.

they said the high tomarow will be 15*

saturday and sunday will be a regular heat wave, 25* - 30* I am going to be on commerce all day both days
well I went out on Hawk today, yep you are right, long walk across the lake to get to the deep water. coming in from the west side I plotted my way stoping every 50 feet to do a test drill.

that was some funky ice. the shallow was only about 2 inches of soft ice. out twards the middle the ice was thicker, about 4 inches, but soft. I cut the holes and water came over top the holes.

no fish today, I did end up with one bite. you did not miss anything.

I will be spending a great deal of time on commerce now. if you get an erg to come out you are welcome any time. or if you want to try the trout pond give me a hollar, dont go on it by your self. there are springs in that pond. I think the water is colder than hawk.
I guess I don't feel so bad for not making it. I kinda thought the lake would be a little more safer then that.
NO fish that stinks. That little lake has always been good to me. The fish must have not been ready for dinner yet. Sorry for not making it. I didn't get out of work till 5;00
Did you try commerce over the weekend? I had a couple friends go out on reed lake Sunday. They fished for 2 1/2 hrs and nothing. I stop by bucky bait shop to pick up some waxworms Saturday thinking I was going to fish this weekend but never made it out at all. We did make it out saturday to go bunny hunting and we did get two.
well I got a few on saturday, the bite is just turning on. I am going out again in a few if you get this note in time.

I am going in to the canal you will need a lantern, that wind is cold today.