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I wanted to check the ice up at porcupine, but had to back-track a ways down the narrow road to let some others pass. Instead of hiking clear up over the dam, I asked the people coming the other way about the ice.

They said the ice was at least 4in closer to shore, but only about 2in farther out. They guy I talked to caught only one fish in 4 hrs.

The road was not too terribly bad - I would suggest good snow tires or 4wd. It is only passable up to the bottom of the dam. It looked like quite a hike to get up over the dam and then down the other side so I think I will stick with Hyrum Reservoir (more time on the ice instead of packing my gear up a big old hill.

Loren Sackett
Thanks for the report, it sounds like it isn't worth it to climb the hill [Sad] Oh well let us know how you do at hyrum I am wanting to try up there this year.