03-19-2015, 09:00 AM
On Monday I had the pleasure of guiding Bart Volpintesta and his youngsters, Sam &amp; Max. <br /><br />Talk about starting out with a BANG! I was giving them my standard instructions on how we troll for crappie, and had cast one line into the water. Within 30 secs., before I could even cast a 2nd line out, I saw rod one jump. I told Sam, &quot;Why don&#39;t you grab that rod and reel that fish in.&quot;<br /><br />I went about my work preparing other rods when I realized Sam was making no headway on the fish, in fact we had significant drag slippage. I checked the drag and it was fine. I told Sam to slow down and &quot;play the fish,&quot; which I assumed was a catfish... and I told them so.<br /><br />When he finally got the fish close to the boat and it surfaced, you could have knocked me down with a feather. emoEek Just like a novice angler I screamed, &quot;Get the net!&quot;<br /><br />It was the biggest crappie to grace my boat in two or three years at least. We carried it to Hamilton&#39;s Bait Shop later and at 2 lbs. 3 oz., it holds the lead in their annual March Big Crappie Contest. I&#39;m not sure if it will hold up or not, but I&#39;m proud to have had one of my clients on the leaderboard. <br /><br />I probably scurried around the lake too much looking for a hotspot, and Sam wanted to take some time out to catch his personal best catfish. Here&#39;s the video: https://youtu.be/FkV3E7WUXjE But they left the water with 24 crappie for the freezer, along with two TARPs, including the beast!<br /><br />Life is good and gettin&#39; better every day.<br />