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Full Version: Web. below Echo damn, experts respond!!!
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Experts please respond!!! It seems like, from my observations, that the trout and especially the white fish are at about 10-20% of normal!!! Is there any knowledge out there that explains this?. My theory is over fishing with no replenishment from hi water from the damn, loss of habitat from low water, or lack planting? What say you experts? [frown] Water flow has been at .84 scfs forever, many many months (6months)????
Yeah, I often hear stories of some old timer up there fishing the place dry with a prince nymph...[Image: happy.gif]

Just kidding, I have no idea. How long have you noticed the down turn?
I have fly fished the Weber below Echo around the mouth of Weber Canyon for the past couple of months and have had plenty of action (I have not noticed a lack or reduction in fish). During the 15 years that I have fished the Weber, this year looks about the same. If you want to get into more fish during the low water months, I would suggest that you fish further downstream where the water is higher and not right below Echo.
Plenty of water and fish below Lost Creek, maybe your fish club is too high up the canyon?
A lot of entertaining comments but that's what I expected. It was good! You'd have to have some specific knowledge of that area. Just a shot in the dark for an answer. Maybe, in time, ------- I'll figure it out. Low water, I don't know.! I would think that even at that level, it was plenty????? Thanks guys, appreciate the response. [Image: icon_e_biggrin.gif]
Trout move around depending on their need
for oxygen/food/space/cover, etc..low water can cause stress from competition for space. They aren't dumb at the end of the day and they will adjust location. I'm sure the numbers will go up if we get more water. The plus side is that less fish means less competition for food, so there could be some large browns around.
I drove by your area last week and thought I would be seeing a thread like this sooner or later from you.

Every spot changes, hopefully there is another honey hole out there for you in Utah or Idaho.