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I don't do off topic posts, but I think this is pretty cool (literally). Many of you have probably heard of Peter Sinks up Logan Canyon, and the fact that it's a very cold place because of the topography. Cold air pools in the bottom of the sink when the wind is calm. Well, there's an automated weather station up there this winter and I did a web page to display the temperatures. The lowest temperature up there so far this winter is -34.7°F. Check it out at [url ""][/url] if you're interested. Folks with snow machines may find it particularly interesting. Peter Sinks is a popular area for sledding.

Another cool thing (no pun intended) is how the data gets out of there. The weather station transmits radio waves which ricochet off meteor dust trails in the upper atmosphere and land in Washington state. The data is then FTPed back to Utah for the web display. Read about the technique here [url ""][/url] .
That was some real interesting reading. It is amazing how they do all that stuff. Thanks for the info.