03-30-2015, 09:00 AM
Oh what a difference a day (or two) makes.<br /><br />After having &quot;Great&quot; to &quot;Good&quot; trips all last week, thru Monday, I was really looking forward to getting out with Howard Yarbrough (Tennfisher) today. We&#39;ve been trying to make a trip happen for a while and today was finally the day.<br /><br />Ruh Roh! emoAngry <br /><br />I saw the handwriting on the wall when a friend struggled Tuesday. I&#39;ve got one area where I can catch 9-inch fish by the bucket loads, but the keepers have vamoosed on us. Me and Howard struggled, hit several spots, including the exact same place I fished with great results Monday. But exactly 48 hours later, it was a ghost town. My fish &amp; bite has gone South. <br /><br />We did managed a dozen solid keepers, but it is obviously time for me to change strategies... just about the time freezing weather is moving in.<br /><br />I am exceedingly embarrassed that I did not take a single photo today emoRedface ... I suppose that&#39;s a clear indicator of how lackluster our bite was. Of course it also means this is nothing but a fish tale. <br /><br />But it was a great day on the water with a great partner. emoThanks And that means life is good and gettin&#39; better every day!