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Full Version: Scofield conditions
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Want to see if anyone has ventured to scofield reservoir
Considering going out on the float if accessible
A post from a few days ago said Scofield was completely Ice-off. Have fun up there!

I'm planning to be up on Saturday
Fished it hard on Saturday. Completely Ice free. We trolled, casted jigs, lures and even fished bait, It was the worst day fishing we have had in years. Caught two small Cutties. Hopefully they turn on soon, as Scofield is usually hot right after ice out, but it kicked our butts this day.
I fished Friday from the shore and did okay. 5 of us fishing, mostly with minnows or chub meat. Caught maybe 20 cuts, 2 chubs and a 24" tiger. Bite really died off about 10am though. Here's a pic of the tiger. Went just over 5 1/2 pounds.
Nice tiger!….and shoes[laugh]
Thanks for the report!

I've always had slow fishing for a couple of weeks after the ice comes off.

What was the visibility in the water? The last few years it's been kind of murky.
Thanks! It's my brother actually. He works so much that when he takes time off to fish with me I let the shoes slide.