04-09-2015, 09:00 AM
Started the day looking for that big catfish, wound up with a 10, a 12, and a measley 43 (again on 6 lb test) that fought me for 45 minutes! I decided to catch something different for dinner so I went over to the rock shoreline and got out the nightcrawlers. I caught a largemouth bass, a spotted bass, and 3 smallmouth while fishing for &#39;gills. Of course, worms and #4 hooks don&#39;t usually catch giant bass, but at least I have proved that the various black bass species had a good spawn last year! emoBig emoBig I also caught a number of different sunfish species that will cook up nicely this evening. Kind of fun trying to identify the bream species from memory. When in doubt - it&#39;s a bluegill emoTongue emoTongue .<br /><br />Again, a couple of photos of today&#39;s catch. I didn&#39;t have to use up just too many pixels on those bass...............<br /><br />