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Full Version: Can't seem to get it......@ Willard
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OK, now I have officially had my works season start ever at Willard since I bought my first boat in 2004. I have been on the WB 7 times, and caught 2 Wiper and 2 skinny Cats. Seems like someone else just posted, some of us still have to work, and all the best fishin days lately have been when I had to work......[mad]. Saturday was such a beautiful day, I figured Sunday should be at least close....? For me....nope. Got to the north Willard ramp about 0830 Sunday. Wind was seemingly just a bit choppy. By the time I got out the channel it was just at my personal "High Wind Warning" level (my BFT Flag was standing almost straight out). Tried it anyway for about and hour, into the wind, with the wind, could not maintain the troll speed and control I wanted. Pulled up to the spot TD calls his Cat Condo (I have it way pointed as Cat Alley) hung out the boat hook (anchor) hung out a couple worm baited lines and road the wave bounce. Moved once, and was met with a drag scream in about 10 minutes. Carp? Cat? One of the tubers that were moving by? Nope, HEY A WIPER. She swallowed that worm and hook so far, I decided I just had to invite her home for dinner.

[inline "(038) 12 Apr 15 Wiper.jpg"]

And to balance the books just a bit on the CPR side, hooked up a skinny Cat, and let him go.

[inline "(037) 12 Apr 15 Cat CPR.jpg"]

About 1500 headed in and did my share of wait for ramp space. But as far as I saw, everyone was being quite friendly and accommodating.

Oh yea, before I forget. Met fishgiver at the dock while I was launching. Glad to put another face to another BFT member.
Way to hang in there!
Likewise, a pleasure to meet a fellow BFTer. The wind and the number of boats made it interesting as it seemed that not all were watching where they were trolling and your in a pontoon. All in all it was good day.
Glad I went out today.[Smile]

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