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Anyone know where I could buy some chubs or redsides in price? Asked a few people and they just look at me funny.
Years ago the Chevron in Wellington sold redsided chubs...........
You can always go up to scofield and catch some.
BK's in Huntington sells minnows. I think they are the red-side shiners. I can get you some chubs in cut-bait form if you are interested. shoot me a PM.
Thanks for the responses, was thinking about hitting joes valley bit went to Huntington north instead. If I end up being able to make it back out I might get ahold of you joeaheeba. Again thanks guys.
Huntington North is a fun pond. Not too big but full of fish. I gotta plan another trip down there soon.[Smile] I think I need to get another reel or spool for my 7/8 wt fly rod first and put some sinking line on it.[Wink]
It was a nice little place, I had never been before. Fishing was slow I was targeting bass and didn't get a hit in about two hours. Maybe the water is still a little cold.