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Full Version: Sharpening Fillet Knife Blades
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Can serrated fillet knife blades be sharpened?
I have 3 old sets for my American Angler electric knife that need to be sharpened.
Anyone ever had it done?
Yes Dale it can be done. You need a special diamond rat-tail steel that sportsman's sells to do it. I did mine last year and it saved me $50. I borrowed the one I used or I would let you use it
Yep. There are different options to do what you want. My favorite choice is to ask TubeDude to sharpen my knife. Wait. Never mind. In all seriousness, a spyderco sharpmaker is a great sharpener for knives, tools, and even hooks. Handles serrated blades just fine.
[#0000FF]I have been keeping the blades on my American Angler knives sharp for years with a few strokes with a small diamond hook in the pic below. It is just the right size to fit in the grooves. Push away from the blade to sharpen just the tips of the teeth. That's where the most wear occurs and where it needs the sharpening most.

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