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Full Version: Glad Willard is only 10' deep!
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So, I decided to hit Willard yesterday afternoon and it was an eventful trip! Felt like a summer day out there, and thankfully so, or I would be down a motor!
My plan was to get away from the "crappie spot" and chase some wipers for a bit so I fired up the ole hyperdrive and buzzed southwest from the north marina. Looking at my GPS, I noticed that I was going about 2 MPH slower than normal. Then, my face hit my palm... Stupid me forgot to put the Johnson 9.9 up! As soon as I noticed and took my hand off the gas, yup, she flew off the boat and sunk all the way to the bottom of the reservoir!
Now, I can't wait to have a lot more water in Willard, but yesterday I was thankful it was only 10' deep! I was able to locate the general area of the scuttled motor due to all the bubbles. So I dropped anchor, disrobed, and hopped in to find the water is still pretty dang cold!
After a few foot first lunges to the bottom, I found her! Well, after warming back up in the sun for a few minutes, I finally worked up enough ball to dive down with a rope and tie it off. Success, I was finally able to pull the 60lb motor back on board!
So with the trolling motor out of commission, I resorted to bow fishing. The carp are just on the verge of spawning! Was able to hit a few, but being alone, its hard to sneak up on em, move the boat, and hold the bow at the same time. Soon, it'll be all out carp orgies all along the shoreline!
I finished out the day with the rest of the boats on the lake. Crappie fishin the northeast area. Got my limit in about 30-45 minutes and decided I had enough fun for one day and I called it!
And, I took my first selfie of all time to document the motor incident. yunno, just because some people say that without a pic, it didn't happen! lol. good times!
I'm impressed you could dive down and recover that motor nice job, now I know who to call when I need a diver. I can't ever get down that deep without fins. Ok I mostly am afraid I'll run out of air. Glad you turned a bad day into a good one. Later J
Man, you really had a day! Great recovery effort on your part - and some crappie too... your selfie really shows how calm the waters were.

Nice job! (and cute dog too!)
WOW!! I'm glad you were able to find it.
Glad you got your motor back. We were trolling around freeway bay and crossed paths a time or two. I was coveting that hyperdrive motor of yours.
yeah, I guess you could say conditions were perfect for pulling in a 60 pounder! I'm just bummed I wasn't able to troll for wipers and walleye... At least when I got home and replaced the fuel line connector she fired right up! Next time, right?
Good job on getting your trolling motor back. Thanks for not taking a full-body selfie.[Wink]
You and BassRods need to get together and open a recovery services. He dropped is 4 Wheeler into about 40 plus feet at Yuba while Ice fishing. Used a grappling hook to latch onto the handle bar and pulled it out. You do the diving and he does the hooking !!! Glad you were able to recover your motor with out incident.
Good on ya!! Great recovery, and like your fishin buddy.

Excuse my ignorance...what is a hyper drive?
That's some funny shiz, I had a good chuckle. Glad you are a good swimmer and you were able to save your merc.

I have owned several trolling motors I would be happy to have left at the bottom of the lake. I appreciate your effort, I don't think I would have done that, and I am cheap. Memories are made with courage and stupidity.
[quote Tin-Can]Good on ya!! Great recovery, and like your fishin buddy.

Excuse my ignorance...what is a hyper drive?[/quote]

No worries, I should have been more descriptive... It's that loud, short shaft, air cooled motor duck boats use.
Good to see it all worked out for you.

I would suggest that if anyone has this happen to them, to ask another boater to help. At least spot for you and help with the rope.
After we lost an angler at Willard a month or so ago, I get nervous when reading your report.

I know that there a lot of folks that would help you.
great story [cool] and nice mess of papermouths!

I bet that water was an eye opener
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[font "Calibri"]I must admit this post made me laugh a bit and I’m glad you were able to recover your motor but I have to ask. For being your first selfie, recovering your motor, saving at a minimum $700 buck, and living to tell the tell, you sure have a grumpy look on your face. [laugh][/font]
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[font "Calibri"]Glad it all worked out for ya!!!!!!!![Wink][/font]
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Glad you have your motor back but you probably don't want to go for a swim like that again. I definitely got a kick out of your tale though.
Great, you just removed some precious structure from Willard.

Nice retrieve!
i had mine go down at the gorge but luckily I had a safety cable on it and with I was able to pull it out by myself at a100 lbs it was all I could do to get in the boat I,m really glad it worked out though[cool]
Yup, I went to Lowe's yesterday and bought a piece of chain to secure the motor to the mount. I definitely don't want to do that again!
I guess I should have been a little happier the retrieval went so well, but I had just noticed that the fuel line connector was broke and I didn't have enough daylight left to run to Smith and Edwards to grab a replacement. I really had my heart set on hooking up on some more hearty wipers or walleye!
But all and all, it turned out to be a pretty good day anyway!
Nice work! Nice dog!