04-26-2015, 09:00 AM
Dr Phil and I had a very short trip this morning on the lake. We were successful on two fronts. First of all, we got the two crappie hotels planted without anyone observing the areas that we put them in. Secondly, we caught 6 keepers for Phil and Brenda&#39;s dinner tonight. We also had 3 short fish. The fish were caught on panfish assassin dappers, Crappie Dawg&#39;s new color, Caribbean Wave, and Bobby Garland Love Bug Slab Slayers, all fished on 1/16 oz jigs. The wind was pretty fierce at times blowing from the northwest and then from the north east. Crazy Ivan got quite a workout. It was hard for him to keep us in a good casting position. <br /><br />Phil had meetings and a conference call today, so we cut our trip short. Got home, cleaned the fish for him and then ate some breakfast. Good morning. emoBig