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Full Version: willard bay
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Fished Willard yesterday, Got there at 7 am. Did'nt catch a fish till noon. After that we caught five nice walleye and three wipers. Missed many hook ups. Good day. It was a little windy in the morning but settled down after noon. Found the fish out in the middle. Trolled 2.8 to 3.0 with number 5 and 7 shad raps. Met wiper hunter. What a nice gentleman
haven't heard much from willard in the last half hour, nice to see it's still fishing well. [Wink]
It was good to meet you as well and finally put a face to the name. Glad you guys found some willing fish. The walleye bite is differently on[Smile].
Hey Eljay, glad to hear you got a few. I was there the day before( Wed) but never caught as many as you, but I never do.