Cattin' at Lincoln was good yesterday so had to give it another go today. Arrived 5:30 a.m. and tried for a wb in the launch -- nothin?? They were there but did not seem to like my curly tail. Didn't waste much time there cuz I wanted to get out after the cats.
Water temp was 60 and warmed to 62 when I left at about 11:00. The carp rut is on. Lots of clusters early, not so many later. Could hear a lot of thrashing around in the reed/phrags that had to be carp.
Cats were active and bitin'. Caught nine cats with the biggest being a big ugly 28 inch bruiser in full battle colors and covered with scars. Carp meat was the bait of choice but did catch a couple on wb babies.
If the weather stays calm I plan to put in a night shift tonight. Fun.
Fun times ahead.
Oh now you got me itchin. Looking forward to my Monday retreat.[cool]
Ah, I do love reading your reports. Yeah, that is one big ol ugly catfeesh alrighty. I definitely need to go get some carp for bait. I almost could have netted one the other day from my boat. Hope the skeeters and midges don't drive you nuts tonight. The forecast I look at says warm and not too windy tonight, so good luck, have fun, and give us another report, with an atrocious looking 30 incher this time!
thanks for the report, I'm headed there tomorrow. How deep of water were you catching them in?
[#0000FF]Looks like you are well on your way to breaking the 30 inch mark. Once the ugly old daddy cats get active we got a better chance at scoring some length. Not much in the beauty department and they are skinnier than the mamas...but if it is just inches and not pounds then bring on the males.
I went to Willard today for a last shot at the crappies. Will probably be hitting Utah Lake more in the next couple of weeks.
If nothing else I need to twang a few carp. My supply is getting low if I am going to launch a campaign for a 3 footer.
Car Doc-- Four feet of water seemed to be where most were hanging out. The big one was extracted from 6 feet of water at the mouth of the launch. They seem to be on the prowl and more willing to bite now. Should just get better.
I'll probably be there tomorrow too -- old white Chevy, 17 ft. Tracker. I'm friendly.
Go get 'em.
looks like me and the boy may hit the Lake tomorrow as well. 17' Tracker also, mine is blue. I have been meaning to throw a pair of binoculars in the boat, I don't like to crowd other fishermen so I have a hard time telling who is in another boat. But would love to get close enough to BLK to spy on his set-ups.
I've been meaning to get my binocs out and have them handy. Thanks for the reminder.[

I'll look for you. We'll be in a brown 18' Four Winns.
I don't consider it crowded unless you can reach me with a bell sinker and a treble... that's for fishin', for yakkin you are welcome to come as close as you want.
My Tracker is black and silver, older, with a strong dead carp smell. I'll watch for ya.
I thought I saw another boat out at BI today and another left for the island at about 9 or so. Couple of small boats by the springs and that was it. Big lake, hard to crowd.
Fish on.
Good job BLK, looks like you are on your way to being the southern guy to beat this year again!
I can't wait to get done with this dang class that I've been having to be at three times a week and get back to some serious fishing. I haven't been catting for a few weeks now and I'm going crazy missing out on the fun spring action.
Liked your report, good luck in the contest!
I caught all mamas when I went and fished the east shore weedline on Wednesday. Good times. They're definitely putting on the summer feed bag. Used last years carp but went back the next day and shot a mess of carp, just because. My three days off this next week are mid week when thunderstorms and wind are forecast but some of the backwaters have carp so I may make a trip anyway for fresh meat.