I got a new shotgun for my birthday back in september and I've never shot it yet so I was wondering if anyone knows of a good place in northern utah to hunt rabbits thats accessible this time of year I don't care wich kind cottontails or jackrabbits. Any info will be helpful thanks!
A friend of mine goes out by Cedar fort also PM FischRman he know Mark he will be able to tell you where he goes. A couple weeks ago Mark was out cand go a couple Cottontails
I went out Saturday with a buddy , West of Nephi, we seen alot of Jack Rabbits, we found it worked best if we stayed in the flats and not on the hills. push the rabbits to the ends of the sage brush and into the clearings.
I know that there are a few great spots out by Delta.
Sorry guys, I deleted all my cookies and I wasn't logged in. The last post is from me, Matador.
south of stockten is a good place for rabbits or the foot hills of gransville hunt small draws with willows for cottin tails or flats for jacks
When I think of Northern Utah, I think of western Box Elder County. If that is where you are wanting to go, go west from Brigham City, Through Corinne and continue west towards Thiokol. Just before Thiokol, turn west again and head towards the Golden Spike site. Pass the spike site and continue west towards Locomotive Springs. There are all kinds of sagebrush flats out there. You can continue west on the road past Locomotive Springs towards Kelton and find rabbits out there also. You can take another dirt road North from Locomotive Springs and end up in Snowville. From Snowville, you can also head further west and go towards the Nevada border. I'm trying to remember the small towns out in that neck of the country, but my mind is failing me tonight. When I was a youngster, we spent a lot of time in that country hunting rabbits. The nice thing about up north, is you don't have the Salt Lake and Provo (Utah valley) crowds. You can actually be by yourself in many areas for a lot of miles. North and west of Snowville is Yost. Good rabbit country out there.
Hey Hoobie. Me and the old man used to go out past ceder fort all the time and hunt. there was years we did great and years we did bad. I have not been out in years since he moved but if your ever needing someone to go with let me know I love rabbit hunting but nobody I know goes.
I do a lot of rabbit hunting down near Delta if that is not to far of a drive for you(about 2 1/2 hours). I also have hunted out near the town of Stockton in Tooele county.

]Thanks guys that is a little farther south then I was hoping for but maybe I'll have to talk my dad into taking a trip down there. KJ you read my mind I fished at locomotive springs last year and saw a few rabbits then I camped out at kelton once to try the hunting but it started to rain and we thought if we stayed through the night my bros 2 wheel drive truck wouldn't make it out so we didn't get to try it and I deer hunted near yost and saw a few cottontails. do you or does anyone else know if locomotive springs or yost are accesible right now?
I wouldn't mind going out once in a while. What do you use shotgun or .22?
I take both but I uselly go to a couple dif spots so I will trade back and forth
Let me know I was kida thinking about a trip twords the end of the month
I just need to unmothball the .22's get a small game permit get a kitchen pass and I'd be will to go in late Jan or sometime in Feb.
Here's an update on the rabbit in my driveway. It was not the neighbor's rabbit like I thought. It was a big old wild jack rabbit. I can't understand how this happened. First of all I live in the middle of a neighborhood. Second, when I left work yesterday it was very foggy and I had to back out of the driveway VERY SLOWLY because I live on a fairly busy street and I could only see behind me and into the street a little ways. Third, that rabbit was not behind my Explorer when I got in it to leave. The rabbit moved into my driveway AFTER I got into the car, and then STAYED there while I very slowly backed over it. Truly strange indeed.
let me know buddy I dont even know when the cottontail season is anymore its been so long. I do know you dont need a small game for the jacks though
I will pm you later in the mo.
Hey Matador,
Got any teenagers in the neighborhood?. Sounds like strategic placement of roadkill if you ask me. i.e. 'Lets see what happens if we stick the dead bunny under someones tires'.................LMAO.
Good Fishing, Kayote
Might be, I thought of that and other things(like a wandering dog). But to get to the car to leave, I had to walk around the back of the car and only about 5 or 6 feet from where the bunny met it's demise. Now, I am an avid hunter with eyes like a hawk(seriously) and I am always aware of my surroundings. I'm telling you, there was no rabbit behind that car when I got in. That hare showed up, on its own or with help, after I got into the car. That would mean that the prankster had to have waited outside, in the cold, at 7:30am, until I went out to my car. I don't know. I was definitely a prankster myself but this prank would have required too much dedication for me to carry out. Like I said, this whole incident was truly strange.
My son and I are thinking of heading to Wyoming after the party at Rockport Saturday. We saw lots of rabbits up there when we were deer hunting last fall. May even run into a coyote or two if we're lucky. Down side to wyo is the cost of an out of state small game license. If you shoot cottontails you need one there. Jacks, coyotes, and foxes require no permit. Badgers - you need a fur permit. Lots of fun hunting rabbits up there.
[url "http://www.wildlife.utah.gov/proclamations/2003-04_upland_game/03-04_upland_game.pdf"]http://www.wildlife.utah.gov/proclamations/2003-04_upland_game/03-04_upland_game.pdf[/url]
Here is a link for the Cottontail season see page 16 of the Upland Game proclamation it goes from Sept 28, 2003 into Feb 28, 2004 and for Cottontaila a liscence is required but for Coyotes & Jackrabits none is required.