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Full Version: deezel fewell prisus
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Thu Roosianz er Chinez iz gonna invade. That er a honkin asteroiD iz gonna hit thu wurld. Sumpin iz nuts out thar. Ah gits muh fewell frum Holiday stashuns cuz they gives a 10 cent discount if's ah uses mah Sinclair card. Wull, damned if deezil fewel izznt cheeper'n gas?????
Hey Geezer are you starting to type like a rapper now or what [laugh]?
He's trying out the new "texting" language!

And yes, I don't ever remember diesel being cheaper (heck, I don't even remember it being equal!) than gas. It has always been at least 5 cents more.

I did like when gas went down to $1.80 last year... wish we could do that more often!