Looking at upgrading my electric motor. Doing a bunch of homework on the i pilot models. For you guys that are running them what do you think of them? Goods and bads if any?. The spot lock feature and the fact that i could setup spreads and land fish virtually hands free has just about burned a hole in my pocket. Setting 4 rods out of my boat with planer boards and downriggers by myself is tricky with boat control staying good especially with the W word. Would you buy it again? Most reviews are favorable with a few stating that the reaction time is slow running with the gps in a strong wind? My wife would appreciate it if ya could talk me out of it. Thanks.
I don't have the I pilot but hopefully some of the guys will respond with some info for you. I do have an Auto Pilot and expect for following contour or spot lock, mine does the same thing you are talking about. I use it for just what you are describing and it works great. Auto Pilot is awesome, not sure how I got by without it before. I know that does not answer your exact question but unless you are vertical jigging a lot, Auto Pilot is a lot cheaper option for trolling.
I would consider that model if i could get one new or used.It looks like I would have to get the i pilot to have auto pilot now?I had one on a past Lund and forgot just how nice it was. You don't want to sell me yours do you Curt?[

] Keep an ear open for me for one would ya? I will check ksl often.
I've seen two of them for sale on BFT in the last year or so. There is always someone looking to upgrade to the I pilot. Sorry can't part with the one I have but I will let you know if I see one For Sale.
I was in your same position a month or so ago..
What to buy ?
Well I paid the price and put an I pilot on my Lowe.
Having been out on CJ in 20 mph winds and using the Spot Lock, I was pleased. It was not perfect, but I was pleased. Was able to retie the kids, put on different baits and so forth and did not have to worry about getting blown into the rocks. I had to keep an eye on the cord of the graph getting wrapped up, but that was not a big deal.
Im still learning how to use mine, but would I pay the money again... Yep.
Looking at a new graph so I can utilize the internal cable to eliminate the cord wrapping issue.
hope it helps.
I really enjoyed my I-Pilot on my prior boat and can't wait to get it installed on my new boat. I used the spot lock feature more than anything else. Be aware that if the wind is blowing too hard that the batteries will run down after a couple of hours. If the wind isn't too bad it will run all day long. The only challenge I have had with mine, and I have heard others say the same thing, is that it occasionally turns itself off and when it does the boat will drift from where it was anchored.
I have the 36 volt 112 lb thrust and absolutely love it. I can fish all day with the spot lock in the wind and still have juice in the batteries at the end of the day. Best investment Ive made to my bass boat. The only tricky part was learning to keep my foot off the pedal, I now do most all control with my thumb. When the remote does stop working, I stow the motor then redeploy and that makes it work again. I do not like the transducer with my humminbird. Meet me in burley, I'd be happy to let you run it.
Thanks for the offer. That is very generous. I do get up that way for work. But just to pass through. Thanks to all that replied. The wallet is really close to being opened.
I'm pretty sure i am going to get a i pilot. Now I am deciding on what thrust and what model. Power drive or Terrova? I'm leaning towards the Terrova for more money because of the easier stow and deploy and also that it kills the power when stowed unlike the power drive. Also comes with the foot pedal. Looking back in the past I ran power drives on other boats and they were not that great stowing or deploying.
Go with the Terrova. You will be glad. Much nicer, I have a Terrova, 24 volt, 60 " shaft, 80 thrust, No problems thus far. Money well spent.
I have a Humminbird 798 with SI/DI/2D on my bow so I could link it to my dash 898 with the same features. To get the features of that unit one has to run the Humminbird transducer and to avoid having cord wrap that several people mentioned above just remove the head of the TM, disconnect a couple wires, remove the one bolt going through the fiberglass shaft and remove the remaining parts of the TM head unit. Slip the shaft all the way out of the base bracket and slide your new transducer cable into groove in the TM shaft (the groove/slot in the Terrova 80 shaft does nothing... maybe a structural strength thing but no other purpose). Use some shoe glue or something along that line to attach the transducer cord in the slot and done! Mine has been this way since January of 2012 and zero issues... Only one... The transom CSI transducer in the pictures isn't shielded as well as the Humminbird purpose built TM mounted CSI transducer and I got some interference. I eventually switched over to the Humminbird TM mounted transducer and all my inteference issues went away.
I also shortened my shaft length down to 54" a year or so later and a happy camper.
I would not own a boat without a Terrova or a TM like it. The cats meow of TMs!!!
If your bow isn't seriously heavy duty you will eventually start to do some metal damage up front... I had to do quite a bit of messing around to strengthen/re-enforce the bow of my boat to handle the Terrova 80. I have a bad habbit of using jack rabbit mode when out bass fishing on Lake Mead... Have the TM turned left or right and then hit the button that is some serious torque twisting the bow area in a un-natural direction.
All good years later after those things were done.