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Full Version: Andersen Ranch Reservoir Chinook limits...
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From the IDF&G site...

Ask Fish & Game
Thursday May. 7, 2015
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Q: Landlocked chinook salmon catch limit?
In Idaho Code, landlocked salmon are considered "trout" unless otherwise denoted. In the case of Anderson Ranch Reservoir, Fall Chinook salmon are included in your daily trout bag limit. Therefore, you can keep 6 "trout/Fall Chinook" per day.


[Image: salmonJuly2011.jpg]
Well, it wasn't official yet, they were classified as other fish. My friend called fish and game and they said it was going to be with trout, they just needed to publish it and get it out there.
I kept a few and this is what I have to say about them. They don't taste that good and they didn't smoke that well. The kokanee are way better.
That' surprises me, the ones above look fat and tasty!!!
They don't have much fat content, they are to lean. The meat is more of a white meat, a lot more like a denser trout than a typical salmon.
[quote AverysAdventure]

Funny but me thinks those did not come from Anderson!!!!

[.img][url "[/img][/quote]"][/img][/quote][/url]
[quote AverysAdventure] [Image: bobwink.gif][/quote]

How ever those are nice fish and please take me with you next time you go....