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Full Version: Flotilla Willard Bay 2015
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Ok here is a quick summation if you don't want to read all of the other post... If I miss something please correct me...

Flotilla= just a get together to meet BFT members and do a little fishing and eat hopefully some good grub... You don't have to have a boat, float, tube or toon... But sometimes we are able to get you on another boat with some other BFT members.. More about that later...

Where: Willard Bay North Marina, we will be congregating at the Pelican Bay pavilion, it is the far south one past the boat marina and launch...

When: Show up when you like, but we will be having a fishing contest that will go until the 1:00 PM gathering for food at the Pavilion... Some of us are planning on starting the food prep at 11:00 AM in the pavilion.. If you want to just hang out with us there you are more than welcome to do that...

Contest: Friday PM after dark we will provide a code word to put on a card or BFT sticker to put in the pictures of the fish you catch next to a calibrated scale in inches so we can accurately tell how big your fish was... Please check out the catfish entries to see how to do this and note the better you show the measuring device the less likely it will be to get disqualified.. Anyway we will score your two longest fish of each species and add the total lengths together (measuring to nearest half inch), so the more species you catch the better your score will be.. A $25 Sportsmans Warehouse gift certificate will be awarded to the top overall score... We will also award 2 $10 CAL Ranch gift certificates, one to the longest walleye and one to the longest wiper, if there are not any of those caught we will give one to the longest crappie or catfish in that order. If noone catches any fish we'll have a drawing.... Oh and I know this isn't fair, but we will only award one prize per person so we can spread the wealth...

Food: We will be eating a rendition of the famous Tubedude Pig Out Chowder, I'm not the best at following recipes so it will be close but not exact... I think you'll like it, at least if you like bacon and fish and veggies in a creamy white soup... Probably keep you warm on a cool day... By the way it may have a little pepper spice in it, not nuts hot, but warmish.... Use chilies not jalapenos or habenaros so it's a nice warmth not painful.. Anyway we are requesting a little donation to help cover the cost this year unless you are bringing some of the stuff for the meal.. $5 would help cover the cost... Thanks

How to communicate: If you have a radio use FRS or GMRS band channel 2 or VHS channel 27.... If you don't have one I will have my BFT flag flying in my boat come find me and I'll get you my cell number or you can give me yours and we'll give a call when things are going to happen..

One last thing this is privately thrown together and I'm not the best at organizing such things so have a little patience with our amateur efforts and it will be a lot of fun... Okay what did I forget to tell you that you need to know??? Later J
Not sure I answered the when to show up very well.. I plan on launching between 6:30 and 7:00 so I can fish a little before food prep begins for me...

Please let us know if you are coming and how many you are bringing with so I have enough food for all that want it...

If you have room to take a land bound BFT'er with you in your boat please let us know and we'll line you up... Not sure whether we had the tiedye twins and CVFisher lined up with a boat or not??? Is there anone else that we need to get setup... I know John is riding with Forest in the tin can...

Please remember if you told me you would bring something to bring it, I'm not well enough organized to remember it in time to cover... Thanks everyone, I think it will be a fun gathering... Later J
To make this clean, let's respond ONLY with how many will attend, and what you are bringing. NO extraneous posts or comments, please.

Me. Beer.
Good idea Rocky,
Me plus four others
Bringing most soup ingredients, pots, dutch oven, camp chef and etc
Me +1. Soda & Water.
Me +3
bringing 5lbs wiper fillets, deep fryer and sandwich stuff!

someone may want to hit costco for plates/bowls/spoons...
Us (2) + supplies and the hot chocolate station
Dan and I will be there, I'll bring the walleye filets. If we need plates, bowls, spoons and such, let me know asap and I'll see if Dan can get them.
John is supposed to bring spoons and bowls but haven't heard from him today. If we need some I'll run to Walmart.
I contacted Dan and he said he would bring some as well, so we should be covered.
Great thank you. I'm starting to wonder if it wasn't Dan I had already asked. I'm loosing it and I can't see my PM's to remind me what I asked who to bring. I think you better fire me. Thanks so much for the help. J
Ok you're fired[Tongue]

Naw have a fun day tomorrow while I freeze my butt in rock springs.
Ok the contest word is "Wil15"..good luck tomorrow. See ya there. J
I've got bowls, KimChi, Perch filets and some Pastrami. Need to grab some spoons!

I do have some fresh bananas.

Forest, sure hoping I can make it before 7am to the Maverick. Do they sell spoons by the sea shore?
Still mucking over with rods to bring and not. Lakes too danged shallow for lead line ain't it?

Hope the weather holds a bit. Today was crap, so hopefully mamma got it out of her system!
Sounds great Yote, hey I use my leadcore every trip. Just let it out 45 yards or is that feet on my counter. If you hit bottom pull it in a ways. Thanks for bringing stuff. J
After-action report:

Sixteen brave souls had a helluva good time today, despite the cold and wet. Fish chowder was superb; camaraderie was even better.

Thanks to everyone who pitched in with food, prizes, drinks (the hot chocolate was a whole lot more popular than the cold beer!) and everything else needed for a successful floodtilla... er, I mean FLOtilla.
Well at least you didn't get washed out to sea er bay[Tongue]
Rocky had more sense than to go out and get wet - IN the water. But it was might nice to see him show up in person and all. My big surprise was to shake the hand of the BLK-Catfish Master! That was pretty awesome!

Maybe next time we can get Mamma Nature back on her meds, and get out when the bugs are in the thick to really spice up the stew!

Thanks again Scout Master Skunked! You're a pro!
Thanks Yote, but it sure kicked my butt today. I'm so tired tonight, I must be getting older or the hypothermia and numb fingers and shivers did it. Thanks so much for all you brought and did. It was much appreciated. Wish we would have had a nice morning to fish, but at least it was easy to quit today to go work on food. Catch Ya later J
Rocky it was nice to meet you today and thanks for your report I just haven't felt like doing much tonight. Appreciate all you did to help us make this work. See ya next time. Later J