05-16-2015, 09:00 AM
I started the month of May out as only I could.......by learning a new respect for the laws of probability.<br /><br />I launched at my regular ramp and parked the truck. Went back to get into the boat and I thought &quot;Surely it didn&#39;t rain this much last night&quot;. Hmm. Surely it didn&#39;t. I could see the drain plugs (all 4 of them) hanging in their normal storage spot. AwcrapIdidn&#39;treallydothat! Quick, back to the truck and trailer! With water sloshing across the floor, I run the boat/semi-submarine back onto the trailer and pull it out onto the ramp. Get the camera! You&#39;ll love the pics of this (mis)adventure. Ever see a boat pee so many ways at once? 4 drain plugs (or fill holes, depends on how you use them) plus the bilge pump. Looked like a redneck water fountain.<br /><br />I took the newly-cleaned boat out to the catfish hunting grounds. It was COLD this morning and wet sneakers didn&#39;t help a bit.The wind hadn&#39;t kicked up yet and the catfishing was fun. A pair of 14 pound cats got me limbered up well for the 34 lber that came next. A 12 and a couple of smaller fish also fell to my superior intellect and skills. (Good time to look again at the boat picture and self-portrait below). All were caught on 6 lb line again and today there were NO break-offs. Really cool picture today of the 34 pounder, I think!!!<br /><br />I think I&#39;ll take the weekend off while the boat dries............<br /><br /><br />