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Full Version: Good day at UL
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In spite of threats by the weatherman I made my daily trip out to LB. Purty... nice and calm with blue sky and only a few clouds on Timp and Nebo. Water was 57 at 6:15 launch and warmed to 60 when I left at 11:00.

Caught 10 cats but could not find the one I was looking for. Most caught on carp meat and others on wb.

Some serious lookin' clouds developed off to the SW and looked like they were bulkin' up and getting ready to go to work so I headed for shore.

Had a chat with a DWR guy in the launch area. Wanted to know if I had caught any wb... No. They had a man in a boat in front of the springs and another on the shore trying to get some girlie wb. He indicated they would be there tomorrow too at about 8 a.m. Told him I would be there too and would focus on wb until I couldn't take in any longer and had to go after the cats.

If tomorrow's weather is like it was today it should be a good time to search for wb. I believe Tube Dude and his better half are still planning to show up too so hopefully we can get the wb the DWR guys need.

We just need a few warm days to push the water temps up in to the mid-60s and then the serious cattin' begins.

The best is yet to come.

Great report BLK! You're lucky to be able to hit the lake as often as you do. Weather from hell has decended on us up here in the north and I don't have the guts to brave it yet.
Looks like the fixins for an awesome fish fry[Smile]
I hope the WB show up soon. They are pretty far and few between.
Has anyone checked with the Loy's ??? They might be able to provide some insight as to where the WB are hanging out right now. Might need to borrow one of their nets and start seining for a school !!!

BLK, how deep is the channel at the launch at LB now ???
[#0000FF]I'll be there tomorrow morning. TubeBabe won't. I'll be bringing some white bass medicine. But I will also be dragging some cat type bait.

You wanna try some of my smoked kitty? Got a few pieces left from my last batch. I think I know where I can get some more for another batch.
Nice job Lynn I still haven't made it back out for cats. Maybe Thursday night. Way to keep catching the kitties. Be interesting to know how many you catch this season. Later J
Hey Gmwahl-- Sure know what you mean by the weather not cooperating... guess we can't complain too much cuz we sure need it.

By the way, you were conspicuous by your absence at the flotilla. I heard you were pretending to be working back in New York or some such place. Would like to have had a good cat chat with you. Next time.

Agree with ya, I am fortunate to be able to fish every day but I figger I earned it by putting in my 30 yrs in the "salt mines"... it's tough but I manage.

Albino--I think the wb are just scattered all over while they wait for the signal (temp) for the orgy to begin. I still haven't figured out why there are lots of males but few females?? kinda reminds me of my own adolescence.

Therapist-- Water depth in the channel is just under 3 feet. No trouble launching my 90 horses and I have seen bigger boats launch with no trouble. I believe the lake is up an inch or so from all the rain.

TD-- Lookin' forward to smokin' with you tomorrow. Also want to try some of your super-duper wb/cat lures and jigs. Sure hope the weather is like it was today.

Hope the weather holds. The fambly wants to go out monday. I hope to launch the boat either there or Lindon. I am leaning toward LB though.
BLK - beware TD bearing gifts in the form of smoked fish. That stuff is almost as bad as pot and crack, once you start, you can't stop !! Wish I was able to be there, but I have about 6 wks more before I am free !! ya'll have fun and be careful !!
Albino-- If the weather is good and you end up at LB I've got a pretty good idea of where to find some cats. Same boat as last time but will probably have a crew with me. Be glad to show you what and where works for me.

One of these days the weather has got to settle down so things can warm up. Then we can complain about the heat. Fickle fishermen.

Thanks. Here is a pic of my beast.
Ya, wish I could have been at the flotilla, but I had to go pick up a 31' twin engine boat for my fire department in New York. Longest drive of my life!!
Oh well, got my duties out of the way and now I'm gonna have some time to start fishing again.