Fishing Forum

Full Version: sailfish1, watts bar, walleye, 5*15, tenncrappie
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tenncrappie came by the house today and wanted to try some new crankbait planer boards out . our maiden voyage turned out to be a success. i pulled out some old 600 series bombers in lemon lime and shad pattern that havent been used in 15 years, they were actually in a yard sale and no one bought them thank goodness. we launched around 10:30 and finished around 2 oclock with 8 good walleye, the fish were in 13-14 ft of water , the biggest was 21 and 1/2 with most around 18. forgive me for the bad pic. i was excited to catch something different . cant wait to put them beside some hush puppies. only bad part is now i gotta go by the new cabela's and pick up some more crankbaits