Fishing Forum

Full Version: SethColeman, Chick, Crappie(personal best flathead), 5-17, Brian Ledford
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Not much to report on the crappie, it was the toughest crappie fishing day I personally have ever had. We did manage a limit for the tourney-thanks to BrianSmile we had 5#2oz and finished 4th. But...........<br /><br />Our first stop that morning was shooting a community dock. After working the front side, trolled around to the back. My first shot up under the dock, and a tap....hookset......hung? Nope, started peeling drag, I told him this was monster. It pulled drag and wrapped around the poles several times, I knew the line was gonna go at any point (4# mr. Crappie hi vis). It made several runs under the dock, before it finally came out. It pulled the boat around for a while, and all we wanted was to see it. It finally flashed beside the boat and DAMN! Fought the fish for 30-35 mins, finally got it up to land it, and the first net snapped like a twig. thank god bobby and Tabatha were there to witness the whole thing and lend their net(which is now warped, owe ya a net bobby). Brian and I finally lifted her in the boat and hi fives! What an unreal fight on light tackle and 4# line.