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Full Version: recycled paper and no dumping!
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A buddy and I went up to Lost creek to do some fishing the other week. I had to use the bathroom so I went to the Porto Let and I knew I was in trouble when I saw the following signs:

On the front door
" We use recycled paper" '60 % post consumer waste'
Now what kind of post consumer waste would you get out of a Porto Let?

Ok, so I got over that and decided to chance it and opened the door. Right in back of the seat in big letters was the sign:

NO DUMPING, you will pay a $1200 fine for dumping in this facility.

So what did they put the facility in for if you had to use 60% post consumer waste and you could not dump anyway? Only in Utah, go figure.
i find it funny you go in to take a "dump" and there a sign saying no dumping LMAO
a dump where ya ' can't take a dump , lol !
hahahaha you guys, ya know what i,d say?? ahha dump this! later haha[Wink]
he did ! i know because i was the buddy
haha you still up too haha i figured if one of you guys was, you,d be commentin on this real quick hahahahaha glad it was you not me! hahaha jacks just as bad. haha he dont think so. but i tell him he sure aint smellin like no bed of roses. ahha[Smile][Wink] even my ponies werent that bad! haha
we'll don't know about no smell i won't admit to being in the outhouse with him i was on the ice fishing that my story and i'm sticking to it LMAO
I can't really tell ya about the smell because I have lost my sense of taste and smell in an accident so it does not matter to me anyway if it smelled. I's sure it did though or that brownish cloud would not of been coming out of the vents and the door![Wink]
hahaha which way did it go george, or is it suppose to be which way did he go>> haha think we know that one huh?? haha glad i aint eatin supper right now we,re gittin right into it aint we? haha well i had fun one time, i,m havin to do my thing and this nice little buck comes along tryin ot hold my britches up and shoot at the same time! it dont work! haha no sa it dont work! no wonder he run away! haha JUST MY LUCK! HAHAHAHA [Smile][Wink]later!