Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, 5/24/2015, Dr Phillip Gawthrop and Adam
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Dr Phil had company coming in, so this was a short fishing trip with his son-in-law, Adam and me this AM. We started around 7ish and quit just after 9:30. We hit several cuts in the delta structure that were near HBSP. One of the newer places that I have located in the past few weeks, but never had fished produced most of our fish today. It was a very short bite window that we had. 4 keepers and 2 or 3 shorts from this spot. When this bite slowed down, we hit a couple more cuts that had fish on them, but they were not having anything to do with us. <br /><br />We ended up on a cut close to Patton Island about the time that the fleet pulled out of the Yacht club in Waconda Bay. It was 7:30 and a line of destroyers, I think 7 or 8 in all, were all headed north with a full head of steam. We had just dropped a couple of marker buoys when they started upriver. Adam jerked a short crappie off the school that we had spotted over our bamboo hotel and then the waves came. They came and came and kept on coming. I promise, we could have surfed on some of the biggest swells that we endured. <br /><br />We looked at a couple more spots, cast a few jigs around with no interest by the fish at all. We finally decided that the movement had already passed us, so we quit. I had 2 fish symbols showing on my watch when we got started this AM, and by the time that we quit, there were no symbols on the watch. Time to go home and have coffee and breakfast. emoBigSmile emoGeezer The magic color was love bug by Bobby Garland on 1/16 oz jigs. Didn't have time to try other baits.