Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jmax, Nick, pre-fishing for the CFF, Bass, 5/27/15, alone
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Only had a couple calls to make and one install to set up today for work. Got that done and headed for the Nick. emoAngel If you all who fished the last two years this May tournament on the Nick has been one where a lot of fish were caught but size was hard to come by. Last year it seemed like everyone had three bass with the average weights around 6 to 7.5 lbs for three. I think this is going to be another one of those. emoRolleyes Catching is not an issue, getting three 15 inchers does not seem to be a big issue either. But getting three 18 inches or better will be an issue and getting a kicker will be an issue.<br /><br />Put about 20 or so bass in the boat. I had about 7 or 8 keepers. Out of those my best three were a 3/11, a 2/12 and a 2/8. Right at the 9 lb mark. Last year that would have got a check (3rd place) in this one. I hope to do as well come Saturday. Lot of shad and lots of little bass. Should be a fun one. I saw a lot of what appeared to be bass deep but could not get even one to hit. All my bass today were relating to the grass. Find the grass, you find the shad, find the shad you find the bass. emoThumbsup Here are my best two. Caught fish on plugs and shakeys. These were the only pictures I took. I almost missed the bass in that one, I sometimes stink at pictures. emoDoh Jmax