hey ron, haha that reminds me of the time when cliff and i took my best friend jolene and went up north. we went up to the northeast kingdom where it is my favorite, that,s as fer as you can go before ya git into canada on hte right hand corner of the state up top. of vermont. borderline. anyways it,s beautiful up there and you ARE out! not too much civilization. and jo wasn,t use to that. haha you know. so fer her i fdecided we,d stay in a camp ground. well we got the site, and decided where we,s gonna put the tent, and i says jo" git that rope out the trunk, we can,t be doin this and keepin a good eye on cliff at the same time so we,ll tie him up to the tree over there where he,ll be happy , out the way, and safe. haha jo looked at me, haha well safe than sorry. i says. haha the first thing we did was to git cliffs 3 wheeler out the car and his hole toy box. but cliff was use to it, cause when we,d go i,d have to do it. i didn,t have anyone to keep an eye on him till i got stuff done. alone, hah he went to town on them. toys, also took his play pen, so,s if he got tired he could take a nap in that, which is another good idea to do.. laddie john, my bordercollie-shephard mix was keepin an eye on him too. layin there and watchin him. haha but he was fine. the next door neighbors thought i was abusin cliff till i told em well it,s better,n lettin him git into the fire we,d started and into other stuff he,d git hurt in till we got stuff done. they finally agreed. but he was happy, was use to it anyways, start it young, haha, and had fun. but he was tied and laddie john wasn,t hha i tried like the devil to gitjointo the spirit of things but she wanted to sit home really, and watch oprah too. she didn,t like gittin her hands dirty. haha i got the tinfoil out, put it on the slow burnin fire, sliced up the onions nd peppers in the butter, threw the sausage in the middle of that, closed up the tinfoil enough just to let the steam out and cooked the sausge till done inside, and the peppers onions, then browned up the rolls to golden and mr man them sausages was gooood! and how they tasted so much better cooked over that fire. course the last few minutes ya take em and put em directly on the grill to golden em up a little better and git the hole flavor of the fire. yum! haha jo kinda snubbed her nose at that haha but she et em. and liked em. haha but its too bad like jo, SOME JUST DON,T GIT IT. haha, ya can,t change them, too many bugs, i,m itchin, i,m cold, whatever, but she might understand,at least, and like it, who knows lest ya try, if she can sees, beyond these petty things, take the bug spray, haha why you dogo like this,, if ya do this, and she feels safe with you and her youngin.then, that, it,ll be ok fer you to take him. i bet. ya know? and why you want to spend this quality time with him, showin him all this, but remember, just like jo, itl tkaes all kinds to make a world. maybe, ya ought to be takin your daughter too and doin it, the first time outin, maybe she,ll understand why you want him out there so early. and thats why you go, and she,ll see the beauty in all this, and feel better that somethin isn,t goin to be happenin and you can handle any situation. it might also be a good outin fer all of you. too.mothers are like that. hha too protective, but that,s ok. she needs to feel content with this situation.you do that and you,ve got her hooked, i hope fer ya, so she will feel better about it.[


]that,s what she need to feel.