Hit Ririe this afternoon for a few hours... ended up with 11 kokes that we kept up to about 15 inches. Threw a few smaller ones back and missed quite a few others as well. Nothing fast and furious but consistent action no less...
May try morning and/or evening within the next couple of days.
A friend and I were out Sat. and caught one perch and one 8" koke. WE caught the koke at 40', what depth did you catch them? We were using pink wedding ring, green wedding ring, silver flasher with pink hoochie, and silver flasher with pink kokanut. We tried 20 and 30 fow but didn't catch any. Just curious about how deep you were fishing.
Sunday we got them at about 25 to 35 feet but today we went out and only got one that shallow... of the 7 we brought home, 6 of them came at 55 to 65 feet! That is the deepest I have ever had to go to get them. Saw fish all over the place from about 15 down to over 70... I think the weather may have had em a little turned off.
Sling blade and hootchie was the ticket both days!