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Blue or Channel cats, these two came out of the Chesapeake Bay so I'll assume they are Blue, I don't see any difference myself except a little more fork in the tail.
The fat one was loaded up with eggs I'm guessing her weight at 6# and 24 inches.
The male was 24 but only 4 1/2 #
Spent 8 days but only fished two hours [:/] to much family with plans, plus 20 and 30 MPH winds most days.
Love the Brother in laws condo,5 minute walk to the water.
Is the Chesapeake Bay you are referring to in Maryland? Not bad for just a 2 hrs of fishing.
They're Channel Cats. You can see the spots in that first pic (no spots on Blue's). Also, Blues are "blueish" (slate blue) in color on the back.

Might want to check the range maps. I always thought Blues as more of a midsouth species (Mississippi drainage).
Yes that is in Maryland on the western shore, Bush river bay.
About 30 miles north of Baltimore.
Actually caught 6 in that 2 hours, the first 2 are in the pictures the rest where smaller.
None of them had any spotting on them.
Blue Catfish are prowling the fresher portion of the Potomac River above the Rt. 301 bridge and most of the other rivers that feed into the Chesapeake. Fresh cut bait is the ticket to guarantee a cooler full of these fish that have no limit or season placed upon them.

I did get to pig out on lots of blue crabs and sea food.
Here's a pretty decent guide sheet:
You got to love a place like that, last time I was back East we had seafood in Maine and it was great. The coast there is pretty awesome, if you like to eat some good food[cool].