Fishing Forum

Full Version: PV 5/31/15
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Got lines to water from shore on the southwest arm, no hits for about an hour but I saw some massive carp in that time and had some smallish SMB followers. Started hooking into the SMB about 8:00, when the sun came over the mountain after catching some smaller guys on a CD5 Rainbow rapala, switched to a Silver R7 Rattlin Rap and caught a couple keepers, invited them home to a dinner of fish tacos. One moment of excitement when a easily 4 foot tiger rose from the depths and narrowly missed a boat angler's SMB as he was reeling it in, about 15 feet in front of me.

Went over to browning point to try for some crappie, caught a few little ones on a white curlytail grub then switched to a green and orange one I found lying on the beach. Caught them one after another after that, but nothing big enough to keep.

The water is easily 60 degrees, waded in barefoot to free my rig and it was definitely warm enough for a swim. Another few days around 80 degrees air temps and the perch should start moving shallow.
Not too shabby![cool]
Busy day![cool]