The rut is on at Utah Lake. Fished Lincoln today and caught several cats that looked like they had come out on the short end of a real cat fight.
Caught 17 cats today with most being big males in full battle attire. Best cat was a 28 incher caught by Catcarsen that weighed in at just over 9 lbs. Others were 25 - 27 inches. Also picked up 9 wb for future bait. Very good day and lots of fun.
Nice haul. That first one looks pretty beat up. Keep it up and you'll find that gargantuan one of these days. I'm just curious, with you catching hundreds of those cats, you surely don't keep them for dinner, so do you release them at the ramp? That would make for some good fishing for the bank tanglers there I suppose.
You're killing me smalls..... Man it's driving me nuts being at work while you're hauling in those boat loads day after day.... I try staying out at night but only find 18"ers so it's not doing me much good.... Nice haul Lynn and company.... Looks like the posse' will be moving to the top of the chart with the sheriff... Later J
how's the water level on the pole at the dock.
MisterC-- We seldom keep more than a couple of the cats we catch... all others are released, usually at the launch dock, after a brief photo session. The smaller cats are ejected from the boat immediately because it gets kind of crowded in the live-well. Channel cats are a hardy bunch and they seem to handle the stress of capture and return with vigor to the water when released. The pump in the live-well is on constantly when we have fish in it and that helps.
I like to fish for channel cats and my gkids always have fun too. I have them hooked (pun intended) on fishing. It doesn't take a skilled fisherman to catch channel cats; they are big strong fish and they always put up a pretty good showing for themselves as fighters.
I can tell I have the kids hooked on fishing because they frequently argue about which one of them gets grandpa's boat when he dies.[:p]
Love it.
MSM-- I have not found that mark you put on the dock piling?? Didn't look today but have looked for it in the past. Right or left as you walk down the dock??
The water level is holding steady. I usually gage it by the joint line in the cement on the ramp and it has not dropped in the past couple of weeks... rain helped??
The channel is beginning to smell like a sewer... it is a cloudy green/grey color with constant stirring of the water by the thousands of carp in there. I'm sure the water level is going to drop significantly as the summer wears on but the channel depth is holding at just under 3 feet for now.
Enjoy it while we can.
What kind of bait were you throwing out there BLK? Or does it even really matter right now with the spawn going full blast?
js-- We use carp and wb. They don't seem to be too fussy. If it's meat they like it. Probably caught more on wb today.
Sorry about previous posts showing up under Catcarsen's BFT name. He was on my computer to access the photos we took so he could enter them in the contest and I did not remember to log back in under my own name. Got it now.
You guys are already having a great year. Keep it up!
[#0000FF]Good stuff.
Did you guys try down by the "house" or was your other spot still holding up?
TD-- We did try "the house" rock first and picked up a couple but not as fast as the action back by the spring. We did not do it justice and I plan to visit the place again soon.
Didn't take long to remind me how dangerous that place is if you value your prop. We fished close to the rock in about 6 ft. of water and when we headed north to leave I was just ready to hit the throttle when the water was suddenly 2 ft. deep... eased on out with the electric.
Maybe save that spot for my first toon trip...