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Full Version: D-Day at Willard Bay
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Yesterday was a just about perfect day all around. And so far this year, my best day yet. Got on the water about 0800 from the south marina. Water levels seem to be up a bit more. Air temp 60 ish, water temp 62 and up to 73 when I left at 1600. Wind was variable, some times a bit blustery, others quite calm, but never so bad as to chase me off the water.
[inline "(081) 6 June 2015 0811 hrs.jpg"]

Started out running kind of north-east out of the marina, at 0811, was trying out a couple new lures, after about 15 min. and seeing the clarity of the water, swapped over to a couple Rat-L-Traps in Fire Tiger and lime green.
Made a wide left turn back towards the west, and as the line on the inside of the turn slowed and hit the bottom, first hit of the day.

[inline "(083) Cat #1.jpg"]

I looked around to see where I was and turns out was out in the openness about 1/4 mile off the light pole. Started moving in some lazy S turns, varied speed from 2.0 to 3.5. Just at another left turn, second hit.

[inline "(085) Wiper #1 0907 hrs CPR.jpg"]

Wiper hit like a FrontRunner, but wasn't in my personal keeping size limit. CPR.

Pretty much the rest of the day went like that. All fish that were caught on lures, were all on those same 2. Caught a couple more Cats later on some drowning night crawlers. Days tally, 1 Wiper, released, 5 Cats, 1 released, 2 Walleye.

And oh yea, not a Fishing subject but my first granddaughter was born yesterday also. [Image: happy.gif]

[inline "(013) Gracie.jpg"]
Looks like your luck has changed Forest, awesome and that last one looks like a keeper as well, congratulations.
Way to go Grandpa! and we thought it might be a rain out.... Guess a few places in Utah really got hammered - glad Willard wasn't one of them.
Congrats on the good fishing day and the new grandaughter. Now if you do things right you just got a new fishing partner. You may have to wait another year though. Thanks for sharing.
Fishing partner in a few years...Yep. And my daughter is due to have a boy next month. So maybe in a few years, I'll have to get a bigger boat, and change the name to Boat Load of Kids (North) ....[laugh] Think BLK down at UL will mind? [fishin]
Good job grandpa!! [Wink] Thanks for the report.
I'd call that an excellent day!!