Fishing Forum

Full Version: what could I catch with this??
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[Image: i117978hz03.jpg]

Mmmmmm........donu--I mean, fishing.....
The marge could actually be a great muskky lure!!! [crazy]
I was thinking that, maybe the 3 eyed fish could be used for some bass.
I was kinda thinking that to moby :}
A side ache from laughing!
If Homer could catch Beer then I need to put in an order for a dozen!!
I have to agree with fish1on but at $13 a peice you could buy a case of 18 buds.
Forget the lure, use existing tackle, buy lots of beer!!! DOH!!!!!!
I dont know but I think I know what ol homer is watching
The Bass at Pelican in the spring will take anything. I caught one on a 3 bottle caps tied together with a treble hook on the end last year. These would definatley work better than that.
Welcome aboard! Hmm, 3 bottle caps tied together? Must have been hard up for something to throw at them or they were hitting everything you threw and just wanted to see what would happen if...