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Went their today with Father in law. Pulling cranks along west dyke we caught 2 walleyes and 2 wipers wasn't fast but it was still a good day
Good to hear you had a good day - were the bugs bad?
They were definitely around in force yesterday afternoon but there was just enough of a breeze to keep them off of us. A 5 mph wind makes for a perfect day on Willard.
The bugs were annoying
I think this year is going to be a BAD Bug year on Willard, just along the dike once I stepped into the weeds I got attacked by a huge swarm of them

whenever we stopped this last weekend wakeboarding you would get attacked, even had a bunch of dragon fly's buzzing around me while waiting to get pulled out of the water.
[#0000FF]Dragon flies are good guys. (rhymes) They eat the mosquitoes.
[quote TubeDude][#0000ff]Dragon flies are good guys. (rhymes) They eat the mosquitoes.

hmmm I never knew that, good to know lol learn something new every day
[quote TRUBBS]whenever we stopped this last weekend wakeboarding you would get attacked.[/quote]
If you don't mind me asking, what color is your boat?
[quote wiperhunter2][quote TRUBBS]whenever we stopped this last weekend wakeboarding you would get attacked.[/quote]
If you don't mind me asking, what color is your boat?[/quote]

Tan SeaRay with a tower. IF I'm not out there fishing & there to play I usually hang out to the north end, straight west out of the N marina
[quote wiperhunter2][quote TRUBBS]whenever we stopped this last weekend wakeboarding you would get attacked.[/quote]
If you don't mind me asking, what color is your boat?[/quote]

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[font "Calibri"]You were looking to get your lure back from the green machine, weren’t ya???[Wink][/font]
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[#0000FF]Yeah, dragonflies are nasty predators...both as aquatic nymphs and as adults. They are pretty big underwater and can even catch and eat small minnows. When adult their legs form a basket in which they can swoop and catch mosquitos and other bugs out of the air. Just be glad they don't get big enough to prey on humans.
I didn't think it was you because you are a fisherman and I'm sure you watch out for those that are fishing but WiperMac is correct. Had a green wakeboard boat, with a tower, run right over my planner board out there last week, I got my board back but the guy took my lure along for a ride[mad].
[quote wiperhunter2]I didn't think it was you because you are a fisherman and I'm sure you watch out for those that are fishing but WiperMac is correct. Had a green wakeboard boat, with a tower, run right over my planner board out there last week, I got my board back but the guy took my lure along for a ride[mad].[/quote]

Yup deff. not me, I try to stay as far away as possible from any other boats when im out there to play.

"Yup deff. not me, I try to stay as far away as possible from any other boats when im out there to play. "

Well that is refreshing to hear. Sure wish you could convey that to others in the power squadron.
But good on ya, and thanks.