Was up at Little Dell Reservoir last night a what is crawling up my leg - a TICK !!
Please keep an eye open for your kids, dogs, and other potential victims - these carry as bad or worse disease than West Nile - Lyme Disease!
Please Please be aware - UTAH has their OWN Web site for people that get infected.
thanks that 's good to know you really don't see them much these days but the way the weather has been it could be making them more active
I am from PA and have gotten it once after many camping trips. My grandfather had 3 separate cases, being a deer hunter in PA all his life. Much more common back East. I developed the rash, so I was lucky with the doctors and my family being able to identify early.
Anyways since then when I backpack through brush I am in full cover of light, breathable apparel. Better then 40 days of antibiotics 4 doses a day. I was on doxycycline. I had to eat probiotic yogurt after all my meals.
I am unsure about the amount of actual deer ticks here in Utah, but the ones you need to worry about are the smaller sized ticks.
I fished a couple hours in Maryland 3 weeks ago, had on long pants and socks, at shower time the tick had made his way up to the side of my knee and was just starting to dig in.
I lived there as a kid and it was not unusual after a rabbit hunt or a fishing trip to do a thorough exam.
They can be found in places you would not imagine so look everywhere.