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I've been searching thru the past post and have a question about the "New Fat Cat Seat & Rod Holder" post from 2005. It looks like in recent pictures you are still using the seat. How is it holding up? Is the 3/4" PVC strong enough or would 1" PVC be better? Lastly, do you think this work on my Bighorn tube?


[#0000FF]That was one of those great ideas that sounded good in principle but quickly went the way of many other "great" inventions. It worked but wasn't worth the time and effort.

Believe me, the current setup with modular rod holders and regular seats is better than the fancy schmancy stuff. You will see a lot more pics and ideas in a couple of the supplemental chapters of the book (on the way).

Good luck with your new ride. Let us know if you need help or input...and be sure to post pictures of what you end up with.
Will do. Hope to have my tube updated for the trip to Northern Wisconsin in a month. Look out Smallies, here I come!!! [Smile]
