Fishing Forum

Full Version: CCR09, TN River @ Raccoon Mountain, Catfish, 6-10-15, Hobbs
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Went with my buddy Hobbs down to Raccoon Mountain yesterday evening to do some quick fishing before a thunderstorm hit. Used chicken liver and brought in a couple small flatheads, the real story however was the fella fishing next to us. He was throwing large cut shad baits off the corner of the pump station into the river into the current, he was using a fair amount of weight and one hell of a rod and reel combo - looked almost like a salt water rig. He was tearing it up. Brought in a roughly 50lb trophy cat... second cast after arrival emoWorthy . It looked to me to be black bullhead, which seems obscure for these parts, maybe just a really really dark blue emoScratch . He got it up onto the pier breaking his small net in the process. Following that, he was having a hayday with that cut shad, bringing in some other large fish in the next 30 minutes. Fun to watch until the storm caught up to us, but an enlightening experience to say the least. I'm supposing that the cut shad is the trophy bait of choice, and the liver we were using is for those recreational cats.