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So I was told this story by a friend who was told this story by a friend.

This guy caught this huge Brown Trout (photo below) in the Vivian park pond, and put it back after the photo.

Then a few months later this little kid catches it again and keeps it photo below.

My only question is this a tall tale or fact. Anyone know anything about this ?[inline Brown.jpg]
[inline "vivian park brown.jpg"]
I'm going to go with tall tale, if this is the pond im thinking of, it's incredibly shallow and you can see all the fish swimming around.
there are a few bruiser browns in that pond. you can see them cruising around if you look hard enough. i have seen one that had to be 30+ inches, just never bite anything but the planter bows they are fed.
I have heard of kids catching Browns out of both the Provo river and south fork and releasing them in Vivian. So who knows?
I guess without further proof we'll never know if THAT brown came from Vivian park pond, but I have on one occasion tried in vain with my sons to get one to bite our lures that easily was bigger than 32" best guess. It just loafed and ignored everything we tried. We watched that bugger and tried to get him for over an hour. That was in the late 90's though. No idea how it's been since around 2002 till now.

A place that wouldn't surprise me to see one that big is tibble fork reservoir. Along the back side of the lake against the steep bank we used to try in vain for the giant Browns just slowly cruising about 20-40' from the shoreline. I'm not sure how MANY there are/were in that pond, but the ones that we were trying for were for sure 30"+ fish. Big, fat, gnarly specimens like you would see in the cabelas tank (without the disease!).
Historically there are some huge browns in that little pond. They stay hidden under the moss and overhang on the opposite shore. If you really want to entice one, get a 6-8 inch Rainbow Trout soft plastic swim bait and fish at first light and dusk !!
hair mouse after dark. way after dark.
I can confirm there are 2 lunkers that have been in Vivian for years. The bigger one is estimated at 18-20lbs and is named nicknamed Doug and he won’t even flinch at most things you throw at him. Seen him several times and it’s quite the sight.
I can confirm that "Doug" and at least 1 other bruiser were there several years ago. He looked to be about the size of the browns in your pictures. No idea whether he is still there or not. Like others have said, he was content to eat the planters and not willing to take kid's lures.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought fishing at Vivian Park Pond was limited to children 12 and under (as per large signs). If that rule is still in place, and if that gentlemen really did catch that brown there, I wouldn't advertise the fact if I were him. Sharing a catch like that would be near irresistible though.
They’ve gotten rid of the rule but haven’t bothered to take down the old signs. I still only fish it with my kids to help them get some easy planters but I’ve seen/chased Doug on a couple occasions when visibility is high and the algae hasn’t gone full bloom. It gets your heart racing when you see him.
Good to know. Certainly had me doing a double take when I first saw him.